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Here's one more for ya, since you don't seem to have noticed:

An hour before midnight is worth two after.--- my Mom and many others.

I get all my housecleaning done between the Evening News, which I don't watch for facts but topics and nine pm, when the Beverly Hillbillies come on, by which time I have everything perfect from laundry to dishes to mopping, everything is always done, and nothing to do but whatever I want to do in whatever order seems good when I get up.

Having taken Melatonin, with the knowledge that all the daily crap is out of the way, I then watch the Beverly Hillbillies.

That is hard to do while feeling grumpy.

And reading Stacks on abusive issues makes me a bit less than real cheerful.

So Jethro and Granny Et Al make whatever stress I feel fade away and sleep as needed. If I have a physical day, I might sleep as late as seven from 9:30 PM, but if I didn't do a lot, I might wake up as early as five but more often, five thirty or even six.

Sometimes if I really had a physical day I crash earlier, without watching TV, and from that I can tell it really does make the sleep more significant if it's before midnight. You can feel it.

But I can't figure a way to make it practical to go to sleep a lot earlier because it stays light until 10 pm at the height of Summer do if you try to maintain without blackout curtains, at least for me, it's impossible.

And I rent and blackout curtains are also impossible.

But for sure, overall ya gotta beat the Sun in the morning if you want to get anything done and stay healthy doing it.

If you don't get Hillbillies, or don't want to stay up for them,cute baby videos work too.

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